Monday, December 17, 2007

12 of 12 Year in Review! Woot!

January 2007Missed February, so on to March 2007

April 2007
May 2007
June 2007

July 2007
August 2007

September 2007

October 2007
Missed November, so on to December 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Jolly December 2007 12 of 12

Welcome to another edition of 12 of 12 - the monthly photo blog devised by Chad Darnell. Yippee! It's December and I, for one, am happy to see this bizarro year drawing to a close. Too many losses and illnesses and surgeries and being stuck in a rut. I missed November's 12 just from sheer exhaustion. I didn't even realized it passed until it was like the 16th of November......

So, we start December's 12 at 1:30 am with a little reading and Mongo, my white stuffed chicken my sweet friend, Nicole, got me to squeeze at night when I'm missing Worf. Actually, I put him to the right of my pillow where Worf used to sleep and just having a "body" there is helping with my insomnia. Rereading Harry from start to finish again. It's been what? Five months since Book 7 came out. Time for a reread!

Watering my Christmas tree. Got a lovely little tree, my first tree in 3 years, since I moved to NYC. It's really nice having it in my home.

Here it is in all it's holiday glory.

Had a last minute theatre audition today. Took a couple of hours to work my sides this morning only to get through the first page and a couple of lines because they were so far behind schedule. But I rocked and that's what counts, right?!

This is a very weird angled photo of me before I left for my audition. I look like a psycho bobblehead. Seriously look like my body is wasting away and I've aged 10 years. I assure you, I'm fine. You'll see later!

Times Square at 2:30 pm. Madness!!!

After my audition, I treated myself to the first Starbucks coffee I've had since probably April or May. It did taste good - Vanilla Latte. Got a gingerbread slice, too. That was just okay. Was starting to get into my book - great book, by the way - I don't know why a movie was never made of it - then.....

My buddy John shows up and reading is out the window. We had a chance to catch up on the latest before work.

He snaps me with my latte and the table decoration in our work cafeteria. The poor little trees have blue balls. How sad.

What's a Zippy 12 without a sickening food shot? Dinner. Veggie chili and tuna pasta. Blech.

My bonus shot - BELIEVE. When the pin moves, Santa takes the brown off Rudolph's nose and it turns red. Rudolph is one of my favorite "Be true to and love you just as you are" stories.

My friend David. He's dangerous. Notice the foul "art" on the wall behind him. He remarked tonight that the series of "artworks" look like microorganisms like the plague. Nice.

Get me HOME! I am done with work, thank you very much. Zippy has left the building.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Mighty October 12 of 12

It's that time of month, not what you're thinking! It's 12 of 12 time~the photo extravaganza born from the mind of Chad Darnell. Join in the fun and see what's going on all around the globe....

This is a bittersweet 12. It's my birthday but it's also my first 12 without Worf, who passed away September 23rd. Actually, it's my first birthday in 16 years without Worf. Needless to say, I miss my White Boy.

Woke up LATE today. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I let myself sleep until 11 am. Considering I didn't fall asleep until 4-something, that was kind of me. Worfer watches over me.

Breakfast is pineapple - absolutely yummy pineapple. Mom, if you're reading this, it just took until yesterday to ripen and it's perfect today. (She bought the pineapple for me while I was visiting last weekend and it wasn't ready to eat yet.)

Holy frak!! It was just 87 degrees this past weekend and now it's 60. WTF???? Brrrrrr........

Working out to The Firm. Yes, my mighty 5 lb. weights. Still, I do a lot of sets of reps and don't end up looking like some crazed she-man on steroids...

The vet made a cast of Worf's paw prints, which is very sweet. I'm going to mount them in a small shadowbox to hang on the wall. *sigh*

My aunt Carol sent me some photos of me, my brother (the tallest) and my two cousins in my birthday card. We all were so cute!

Today was the big haircut day. Shearing the Michele sheep. Here are the remnants of my longer locks....

And here's my new do. I love it! I'm getting new headshots done on Wednesday so I have to play with styling it this weekend to decide how I want it in my shots. It's so SHINY! My hairdresser, JD, is da bomb. Seriously - he's really good. He does what I ask. Amazing!

BONUS PIC = ORANGE. Every kind of orange and some lovely big pumpkins. I love pumpkins. They are pies dreaming of creation in every orb.

More orange - actually where I ate lunch was decorated primarily in orange and I really like these orange mosaic tables. Delicious falafel sandwich at Elyssa on 9th Ave. and 49th St. They know how to cook Middle Eastern food - everything I've ever had there is awesome and fresh.

My coworker, Tricia, is the queen of birthdays. She lives in Queens near this bakery, the Scala Italian bakery in Maspeth, and gets cakes for all of us and the attorneys every birthday and main event. This is a cannolli cake that is so good, it can only be described as "ambrosia". I was in heaven. Absolutely delish!

Ready to go, already!! I actually didn't think I'd be doing anything, but my work buddy, John, suggested we go out for tequila. Can't turn that down!

John and I after a shot and a drink. Good times!

Well, that is all for this month - see you all next time!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

September 12 of 12

Another 12 of 12 has come and gone. Check out Chad Darnell's website for the details of his unique photo blog community.

This has been quite the incredibly boring day, after over a week of heartache with Worf in the hospital for most of last week with a bad gastrointestinal infection and I just found out yesterday that he has lung cancer. How bad, I don't know yet. He has to go back for another xray in 4 weeks to find out if the tumor has grown and how much. So forgive me if this is a Worf-intensive 12 of 12 - he is the Beast of the Week.

And an incredibly cute and gentle little soul he is.

Checking the email at the start of the day. Nothing too interesting.

After my workout. I'm one of those people who gets beet red in the face when they sweat. I seriously look like I'm going to keel over, so I obliged in this picture.

The cutie pie revisited before I head off to work.

My new tote/messenger bag. It's not really in either style but combined. I really like it. My colors and I wanted a tapestry bag.

The NYC skyline from the cafeteria at work. Looking downtown - if you look hard enough, you'll see the tiny figure of the Statue of Libery in the harbor to the south. The very very ugly new New York Times building is the large building with the scaffolding - except the scaffolding is permanent and totally ugly as all hell. Ick. This is an example of new design for our city???? It just accentuates the horrible hole where the WTC used to stand.

This is looking to the east from the cafeteria. More new faceless, artless icky buildings. No character whatsoever. I sound like Prince Charles. Thank god I'm missing the ears.

This is Clyde, one of the attorneys I work for, and one of the nicest people on the planet. He treats everyone with graciousness and kindness. An all-around good guy.
Making my submissions on Actors Access. Only one today for a commercial. Had another theatre submission on Backstage. There are also some theatre auditions coming up, so I need to polish up my monologues.

Dinner. Summer rolls from Food Emporium's sushi counter, some greek salad and my book which I've had for probably 10 years at least and have never read. At least I'm getting some things done. I broke my diet, though, and had two peanut butter cookies. They tasted good!

ZZZZZZZZZZ.....boredom extraordinaire tonight. There's only so much web surfing I can do. My eyes are bugged out like a frog's. Got my iPod and my cowboy boots, though. What more can a girl ask for?

BONUS PIC - Unexpectedly, I snap off a shot of the sofa pillows when I'm trying to see what photos I have on the camera. Exciting, I know.

Ready to pass out with Whitey.

But I do get him to take a couple of swipes at his laser mouse. This unfortunately was too much for him and he yakked up a hairball. His tummy is really upset. I found later that he yakked another hairball up on my bed next to my pillow. Thanks, baby!

And that's all she wrote, folks! Worf, who is sitting on my lap as I type, says "Purr!"