Friday, December 15, 2006

12 of 12 - Year in Review

I've only done 3 months (missed two) but here they are:

This is the only photo I have saved from my August 12 of 12 - it was on MySpace and I deleted my account, thinking I had the photos saved elsewhere.....

My birthday in October - great day!

December breakfast and my mantra - "Believe!"

December 12 of 12

I upgrade to Blogger Beta and it's a banned site at work!!! ARG! Should've kept the original Blogger. So, I couldn't post these until today when my internet at home is finally back up.

Anyhow, despite trials and tribulations, here's my December 12 of 12:

Yes, yes, I'm a lazy git! And this wasn't even the morning after the firm's Christmas party! (Today is!) Actually, I've been feeling very fatigued, so this was a good morning for me!

Worf looks about as awake as I feel!!!

I hate doing dishes, but it needs to be done. Like the colors of my dishes, though - very cheerful!

NO internet!!!!!!!!!!!!! F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's on the phone to Verizon and after moving my DSL box around, plugging it in to other outlets and such, it is determined that I need to have a technician out to my apartment. Bummer. I have class tomorrow so it's not until Thursday. This sucks.

Time for breakfast - apple cider.....yum!!!!!!!!! - and a little inspiration thrown in for good measure.

About as ready for work as I'm going to be!

Working hard at work - on my acting submissions, that is! I do have a cushy job!

A good "I've been at work way too long look!" Time to go!!!

I can't get this photo to post rotated the right way! This is the Christmas tree in my floor's lobby at work. Yes, there is a large "artwork" of a dead leaf on the wall behind it. Better than the huge mosquito on the wall in the partner suite. M y workplace has the foulest art!

At home at last, in the pj's, channel surfing. Good times!

Worf is in practially the same exact position I left him in this morning.....good grief it's hard to be a cat!

The joy of what awaits me - more home improvement and getting another bookshelf!!!!

Hope everyone had a lovely day and see you next month!!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12 of 12!!!!! Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is a double-whammy day - wonderful 12 of 12 and Zip's birthday, all rolled into one!! Let the games begin!

I woke up around 10 am, as per usual (hey! I work until 12 am, so eat that!) and had a lovely nutritional breakfast of Kashi, yogurt and blueberries. Just call me Ms. Antioxidant.

I gussied myself up and got ready to go on an audition for a short video. I was so frakking busy all day running around from place to place that I didn't have a chance to shoot anymore photos until I reached work.

The Cube. It's blurry, showing my inner conundrum about The Cube. That stuffed dog isn't mine - not only do I have to sit in a cube, but I have to SHARE my cube with the day secretary. It sucks. The partner suite extends into our area on this corner of my floor, so I don't have my own desk. *grumble, grumble, grumble* But I did have my Starbucks (yes, I support this global menace - I am BAD) and my photos of my adorable I survived.

Well, maybe not......after an hour of work.....picture says it all.

But the 9 attorneys I work for remembered my birthday and got me a MASSIVE birthday cupcake. This thing was obscenely big - the photo doesn't do it justice. I should have put something in to give it scale.....but it was chocolate, which I don't like, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right??

Yet another systems snafu!!!! Uggabugga! I had to reboot, which is a CHORE. My computer at work can be as slow as my computer at home. Pain in the ASS!

I snuck out for dinner at a nice French bistro nearby and had escargot and a glass of bubbly to celebrate. My friend who I used to go out to dinner with left the firm (traitor!!) and everyone else is lame and doesn't go out during the work week. A pox on thee! Anyhow, I thought it rather pathetic to take a photo of my meal whilst sitting by myself at a bar so I instead took a picture of this pedicab coming down 8th Avenue - there's nothing like NYC at night!

Is it time to go yet???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was unfortunately very busy tonight. Usually my work nights are a lot of web surfing with a few pieces of work here and there. Not on my birthday! I was busy, busy, busy with very little Internet time......WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Now, after this point, it's technically the 13th, BUT my days run about 10 am - 2 am everyday, so I am a non-conformist. To me, it's still the day of the 12th....tough patooties!

aHHH!! Finally at home! Here I am with my birthday cards and the absolutely rad vintage suit my dear friend, Nicole, sent me for my b-day - LOVE IT!

Bath time. Gotta have the rubber duckie. Mine is a hippie ducky. But very little hot water....what's up, new building???!

A reminder for every day.............................

Ready for bed with my favorite White Boy...............

Now, I wasn't sure what was up with the 13th photo. I checked the night of the 11th and nothing was decided, so I went for the tv theme:

My favorite tv show is the awesome, exciting, dark and excellently acted "Battlestar Galactica" and my favorite show to come is of course "PR", the independent tv pilot I starred in in June.

Messages to the Universe: "Ronald Moore! David Eick!! HIRE ME!!!!" "TV execs!!! Pick up "PR"! Better yet, you must pick up "PR" starring Michele!! NOW - for midseason!! DO IT!"

So my second 12 of 12 and another birthday come to a's been fun!