Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 12 of 12!!!!! Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, it is a double-whammy day - wonderful 12 of 12 and Zip's birthday, all rolled into one!! Let the games begin!

I woke up around 10 am, as per usual (hey! I work until 12 am, so eat that!) and had a lovely nutritional breakfast of Kashi, yogurt and blueberries. Just call me Ms. Antioxidant.

I gussied myself up and got ready to go on an audition for a short video. I was so frakking busy all day running around from place to place that I didn't have a chance to shoot anymore photos until I reached work.

The Cube. It's blurry, showing my inner conundrum about The Cube. That stuffed dog isn't mine - not only do I have to sit in a cube, but I have to SHARE my cube with the day secretary. It sucks. The partner suite extends into our area on this corner of my floor, so I don't have my own desk. *grumble, grumble, grumble* But I did have my Starbucks (yes, I support this global menace - I am BAD) and my photos of my adorable I survived.

Well, maybe not......after an hour of work.....picture says it all.

But the 9 attorneys I work for remembered my birthday and got me a MASSIVE birthday cupcake. This thing was obscenely big - the photo doesn't do it justice. I should have put something in to give it scale.....but it was chocolate, which I don't like, but hey, it's the thought that counts, right??

Yet another systems snafu!!!! Uggabugga! I had to reboot, which is a CHORE. My computer at work can be as slow as my computer at home. Pain in the ASS!

I snuck out for dinner at a nice French bistro nearby and had escargot and a glass of bubbly to celebrate. My friend who I used to go out to dinner with left the firm (traitor!!) and everyone else is lame and doesn't go out during the work week. A pox on thee! Anyhow, I thought it rather pathetic to take a photo of my meal whilst sitting by myself at a bar so I instead took a picture of this pedicab coming down 8th Avenue - there's nothing like NYC at night!

Is it time to go yet???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was unfortunately very busy tonight. Usually my work nights are a lot of web surfing with a few pieces of work here and there. Not on my birthday! I was busy, busy, busy with very little Internet time......WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Now, after this point, it's technically the 13th, BUT my days run about 10 am - 2 am everyday, so I am a non-conformist. To me, it's still the day of the 12th....tough patooties!

aHHH!! Finally at home! Here I am with my birthday cards and the absolutely rad vintage suit my dear friend, Nicole, sent me for my b-day - LOVE IT!

Bath time. Gotta have the rubber duckie. Mine is a hippie ducky. But very little hot water....what's up, new building???!

A reminder for every day.............................

Ready for bed with my favorite White Boy...............

Now, I wasn't sure what was up with the 13th photo. I checked the night of the 11th and nothing was decided, so I went for the tv theme:

My favorite tv show is the awesome, exciting, dark and excellently acted "Battlestar Galactica" and my favorite show to come is of course "PR", the independent tv pilot I starred in in June.

Messages to the Universe: "Ronald Moore! David Eick!! HIRE ME!!!!" "TV execs!!! Pick up "PR"! Better yet, you must pick up "PR" starring Michele!! NOW - for midseason!! DO IT!"

So my second 12 of 12 and another birthday come to a's been fun!


Anonymous said...

Great pictures Michele! :)

I'm really thinking about the Nano. Though I think I should upgrade to a bed from an air mattress first. LOL. :)

And yeah...the Jeep is kind of across from the McDonald's at Times Square next to the Visitor's Center. I cracked up.

Bonnie said...

1. Great 12 of 12.
2. Why did you leave MySpace? Care to share?
3. (There is no three.)
5. LOVE the vintage suit. Holy cow, that's hot.
6. See you next month!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, from a fellow October birthday person!

Helen (12 of 12er too)