Started off the day with a love fest with the most exquisite White Boy in town. I've been really worried about him, so he went to the vet yesterday (a trauma to be sure) and he has hyperthyroidism. So he's on thryoid pills mama, like son!
Then it was a trip to the post office, which is a nice walk away. It was a beautiful day - around 50 degrees, which is insane for NYC this time of year, but I'm not complaining! This is my street in front of my building. St. John the Divine's Cathedral is the misty big thing at the end of the street.
The post office. Thrilling stuff. I told you this was a boring day!
The package I had to pick up was the booty from a Christmas gift certificate from my best friend, Tia. Unwrapped, it all looks great! All fit except for the blue top...which I really liked...but back it goes.
Now my other best friend, Nicole, got me this great hat and earrings for Christmas and wanted a photo, so I am posing away.
I spent too much time primping....I just missed my train and I'm running late.....Luckily another one came quickly.
After missing that first train, I get to my local stop and I am waiting 10 minutes for the local to show up. I'm definitely going to be late unless I sprout wings. It's already 10 of 5:00. I have until 5:01 to get signed into work....
Someone was looking out for me - I made it in at 5:01!!! Yea! No losing my dinner break! No docking my pay!
Now I've eaten some unappetizing meals at my work cafeteria, but this qualifies as one of the worst. The best thing was the Fig Newtons. No, I take that back. The best thing was the ice water!!
By 11, I am more than ready to go home. Actually, I'm supposed to go out for tequila with my drinking buddy, John, which I am looking forward to. Just get me out of here!
John gets stuck with an overtime job and I get to go home instead. ARG. At least Worf gets to eat his dinner at his normal hour instead of in the middle of the night.
I'm exhausted from such a dull day! Time for bed.
My bonus pic - Something New - trying on some of my new clothes....
See you all next month!!