Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's time for.......June 12 of 12!!

Another 12 of 12 moment brought to you by Chad Darnell - the man in the know.

Got up early this morning, kissed a beast and was on my way.

On the M4 bus heading downtown on 5th Avenue. This is the Museum of Design and Color and they have this great orangey-red metal mesh netting with giant flowers hanging over the front of the museum.

Met up with my cousin and her two sons who are in town on vacation while her husband is at a trade show. We decided to go to the U.N. - none of us has been there before. It was gorgeous out - not a cloud in the sky at 11 am.

There are 192 member countries in the U.N. so 192 flags. It was quite pretty. Inside, on the first floor, there was an exhibit from Germany of 3-D photos from Mars. I loved it! You could stick your hands into craters with the 3-D glasses on. Here's my cousin with her two boys. Big Yankee fans. I overlooked that. After all, they are family.

The U.N. Security Council chamber. This is where we were lied to about Iraq. I wanted to fumigate and purify the place with burning sage and anti-Bush chants, but...alas, I only visualized that in my head. It really is a beautiful room in its own way.

My other shots inside the chambers didn't come out. This is a mural that is the United States' gift to the U.N. It's a mosaic of a Norman Rockwell painting about the Golden Rule and in fact it says the Golden Rule on it. The point of it is that all cultures, no matter how different, have a version of the Golden Rule in their belief system which links us all together.

Outside, I was fascinated with the sky and the incoming clouds. They were moving so fast! I found out why a little later!

This is the gift to the U.N. from Ireland. It's an ark-like boat bringing many different people to the same shore.

This is a awe-inspiring piece of the Berlin Wall. I have a photo of my dad in his Air Force uniform in front of the barbed wire-covered Berlin Wall in the early sixties. I want to juxtapose this photo with that one.

I left the house this morning thinking, not a cloud in the sky. It won't rain. WRONG!!! Walking to work, I started getting dumped on so I had to duck inside a store to buy an umbrella.

Work was a complete and total snooze tonight. I was so not into surfing the net and I had nothing to read because I traveled light today. So I downloaded my friend's ebook, The Sacred Outcast, to start reading while I ate a light dinner. I have it on tape and this is a revised version. It's really quite wonderful.

Ahhhh......home to snuggle with my favorite fur bag. It was a looooooooooong day!

Bonus Pic - Secret - which was a secret since I totally missed Chad's reminder post as to what the bonus pic's topic was, but it's funny how things work anyway!

Shhhhh......I did absolutely NO work last night.......

Until next month!