Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Mighty October 12 of 12

It's that time of month, not what you're thinking! It's 12 of 12 time~the photo extravaganza born from the mind of Chad Darnell. Join in the fun and see what's going on all around the globe....

This is a bittersweet 12. It's my birthday but it's also my first 12 without Worf, who passed away September 23rd. Actually, it's my first birthday in 16 years without Worf. Needless to say, I miss my White Boy.

Woke up LATE today. I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I let myself sleep until 11 am. Considering I didn't fall asleep until 4-something, that was kind of me. Worfer watches over me.

Breakfast is pineapple - absolutely yummy pineapple. Mom, if you're reading this, it just took until yesterday to ripen and it's perfect today. (She bought the pineapple for me while I was visiting last weekend and it wasn't ready to eat yet.)

Holy frak!! It was just 87 degrees this past weekend and now it's 60. WTF???? Brrrrrr........

Working out to The Firm. Yes, my mighty 5 lb. weights. Still, I do a lot of sets of reps and don't end up looking like some crazed she-man on steroids...

The vet made a cast of Worf's paw prints, which is very sweet. I'm going to mount them in a small shadowbox to hang on the wall. *sigh*

My aunt Carol sent me some photos of me, my brother (the tallest) and my two cousins in my birthday card. We all were so cute!

Today was the big haircut day. Shearing the Michele sheep. Here are the remnants of my longer locks....

And here's my new do. I love it! I'm getting new headshots done on Wednesday so I have to play with styling it this weekend to decide how I want it in my shots. It's so SHINY! My hairdresser, JD, is da bomb. Seriously - he's really good. He does what I ask. Amazing!

BONUS PIC = ORANGE. Every kind of orange and some lovely big pumpkins. I love pumpkins. They are pies dreaming of creation in every orb.

More orange - actually where I ate lunch was decorated primarily in orange and I really like these orange mosaic tables. Delicious falafel sandwich at Elyssa on 9th Ave. and 49th St. They know how to cook Middle Eastern food - everything I've ever had there is awesome and fresh.

My coworker, Tricia, is the queen of birthdays. She lives in Queens near this bakery, the Scala Italian bakery in Maspeth, and gets cakes for all of us and the attorneys every birthday and main event. This is a cannolli cake that is so good, it can only be described as "ambrosia". I was in heaven. Absolutely delish!

Ready to go, already!! I actually didn't think I'd be doing anything, but my work buddy, John, suggested we go out for tequila. Can't turn that down!

John and I after a shot and a drink. Good times!

Well, that is all for this month - see you all next time!


Anonymous said...


And I am sorry about Worf :O(


Jeff said...

i love anything that is made at scalas!!

Matt said...

Aww, I'm so sorry about Worf. You will always have him, in a way. And I bet he was one happy cat.

I LOVE your haircut!! Sassy and cute.

And Happy Birthday! The cake looks great. Any leftovers to send to Seattle? ;)

Dogeared said...

I'm sorry to hear about Worf :(

I think the new haircut really suits you - hope it brings some exciting work your way! And happy (belated) birhday!

Helen, 12 of 12er, Devon

Scooter said...

Earlier this morning, I heard Matt (Matterdays) make a sad noise. He was viewing your blog and read about Worf. We both choked and then gave our cat a big hug. Our cat, Hunter is not just a pet. He's family. He's a friend. Cat owners know what I'm talking about. sorry for your loss.

catie said...

Happy Birthday!

I love your haircut. It is so hard to find a great stylist.

I'm so sorry to hear about Worf. He was a beautiful boy.

Poun said...

Happy birthday !!

sorry about worf !

nice pics (and birthday card ;-) )

cheapblueguitar said...

happy belated birthday.

awesome new do!

Michelle E. ~ Vintage Pastiche' said...

I'm so sorry you lost your baby :( my heart goes out to you.

Happy birthday to you, my birthday was this month too, I love having a birthday in October.

Love your haircut, and you have got some nice arms there!

Thanks for stopping by to see my 12's :)


Tusindfryd said...

Happy Birthday to you, Michelle!

I love hairdressers who does what you ask.

I'm very sorry about Worf. Nice you had 16 years together...

Andy E said...

Happy birthday.

And I love the new haircut...

... I wish I had a full head of hair. ;-)

snowelf said...

Happy Birthday Zippy!!

I love your hair, it looks SO super cute! And I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. That paw print idea was so sweet. I am a total cat person and also just lost a pet, so you have my sympathies.

Thanks for coming by to see me. :)


Anonymous said...

Love the hair!!

And I just have to second the Go DUKE! you put on Laura's! :) Benny thirds! Hee!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Down with Dook. Go HEELS!!!

Linda said...

Great pics!

I'm so sorry to hear about your beautiful Worf. Bless you both.

Lipp said...

Sorry to hear about your cat.My Mom has a sick little one right now too.

The new hairdo looks great.