I'm done with my 12 early this month. It's only 7 pm. But I couldn't bear anymore work pictures. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
If you're interested in following or participating in the 12 of 12, check out the man behind the magic, Mr. Chad Darnell's website for the "rules" and how to post along with the rest of us.
Here we go:
It's 1:30 am and I have a ferocious, rabid furbag attacking my hand under the covers. Her day is not complete without at least one major round of "Cover Monster".
The Princess is into literature. Especially when it's been on Oprah's book list.
My daily school tasks. With the inevitable Coke.
Good grief is my face red! I look like my head was trapped inside a bbq. But not looking too shabby. I am so happy to be back working out, red face and all. I finally dropped the nasty 8 that had been hanging on, now it's time to get back into fighting shape.
Good grief is my face red! I look like my head was trapped inside a bbq. But not looking too shabby. I am so happy to be back working out, red face and all. I finally dropped the nasty 8 that had been hanging on, now it's time to get back into fighting shape.
Waiting on the friggin' subway platform FOREVER. I was watching a part of the track smoke like it was on fire. Who the hell do you report these things to? It's not like I was near the booth. Anyway, yes, I was late to work. I know it's tourist season when the trains are really slow and packed at 4:30 pm on a Friday.
David, contemplating the unique capabilities of a gum eraser.
Drew, my 4 year-old nephew sent me artwork to decorate my cube. This is a princess. I'm not sure if he got that from a story or from my cat's name. But it's an awesome drawing for a kid who just turned 4.
You know what they say. . . . . nice boots. . . .
Frak me! Facebook and MySpace are "temporarily blocked" due to some nasty virus that is being transmitted. Don't open any YouTube files that tell you you need a new version of Flash to play it. It's a worm virus that will zombify your computer.
Hi Michele, super lols at the last photo. And no Facebook in the office, oh noes!
Lovely pictures of the Princess as always, such a cute kitty.
I love that one of your head ... and I'm wondering if he ever got the eraser to levitate?
Mocha isn't that interested in literature, fortunately -- when she was a puppy she mainly expressed her interest by eating things!!
What a great day. I was giggling at the boot photo...then I got to the head shot. And it threw me for a moment. :)
Now THOSE are some kick-ass pointed-toe boots! (I think khowaga owns some, too). ;)
Beautiful kitty-cat. And you're looking fierce! Thanks for your 12.
I like the David photo lol, and I react the same way to blue sky ;-) And Leia's adorable, asleep on the book!
I'm glad you mentioned about the YouTube/virus thing - I've sometimes had that warning when clicking videos on Facebook, but never updated my Flash.
Blue skies are always a bonus!
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