Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21, 2009

Well, after the extraordinary day yesterday (HUGE sigh of relief!), I am excited to be an American again. Just saw our President issue his first executive orders curbing lobbying excesses and abuses of the powers of the executive office. Awesome!

I'll be shooting a new television pilot scene next week, called "Fashionista".

I've been researching agents and checking out agency client lists to see who tends to represent my type and age range and whether or not there is already a client who is my type and age range. I realize that IMDb Pro is not the most updated source in the world, but it gives me good information. I've prepared a mailing to these new targeted agents and to the NY television show casting directors, including the soaps, which will go out tomorrow. Next will be deciding on which seminars to attend with these agents and cds.

My website has gotten a lot of positive feedback and I am quite proud of it! Good job, Ellen!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

So I took this workshop on Wednesday presented by Leslie Becker on the Business of Acting. I highly recommend it! Leslie is the author of "The Organized Actor", if you've used that tool in your business.

The first half is about envisioning your future, what you want it to look like, then backing up to figure out the steps to get there. I know there are many techniques and workshops for this sort of goal setting thing and some I've taken before, but I really responded to Leslie's energy and way of getting this specific for actors, who are usually not the logical, linear sort - at least I tend not to be when it comes to acting! I think that we get caught in the trap that it's someone else who decides our destiny and we feel so helpless we either do the same rote thing - postcards, mailings, seminars - without a plan and without a sense of control. The second part of the seminar was looking at the way the biz is structured and basically connecting the dots between people I know and people I want to know. This was more frustrating to me, but pointed out something important. I have made most of my contacts myself. I'm not a real chummy sort in terms of traditional networking. I go out and make it happen. Which is good BUT when I only do that, I limit my pool of contacts to those that I make. I like being independent, but I think I'm going to have to learn to expand to *gasp* actually include others in my experience.

So I set five goals to complete by April 15th and I'm going to blog my journey. I have two professional goals - bringing an agent onto my team and getting a great reel made with new footage - two personal goals - getting into optium shape and connecting with Spirit through meditation - and one financial goal, and it's a biggie - raising my weekly income to $2,000/wk.

Leslie had me figure out two weekly goals for each of the five main goals (10 total) I can do right now to further my path to the April 15th goals. So far, I have followed up with a source for new footage for my reel and researched online various reel-production companies. I've found two possibilities I like. I worked out three times so far this week, doing yoga and bellydance. I found out that the stables here on Manhattan closed last year (boooo!), so for me to horseback ride, I'd have to travel up practically to Yonkers or out to Prospect Park in Brooklyn or out to Queens, so I have to decide if I want to do that. The fees aren't bad but I have no equipment, so that's another issue. I've sat meditation three times and worked on a medicine wheel meditation, which I'm still doing, but the huge commitment I've made is joining my spiritual teacher's school in February. It's a four year program and involves two intensives I have to travel to. One is the May event in NM that I attended this past year and there is another in LA in November. I'm excited and scared to the bejesus about it, but I feel centered and sure about this. And lastly, to tackle that financial goal, I've been working on a letter/resume writing job for a fellow actor that will be finished by the end of this week that will earn me some cash and I bought several books on grant writing, both to write a grant for myself and to write grants for others for business. I would love to bag my full-time job or at least cut it to half-time to work on my own instead of for The Man, but right now, I just want to build income opportunities.

It's been very empowering to break things down into "beats" just like a scene and figure out my driving questions, actions and tactics for each. It really is no different!

So this week, I am going to research legit agents and target 10 to concentrate on first. I have recently met some agents who I have been postcarding and will add to that list. I also want to see when and where and if these agents hold seminars and attend them. Of course, continuing to audition and book is the primary goal at all times, like the overarcing backdrop to all of this other stuff.

I'm struggling with the working out as I've had insomnia and back pain, so I will continue with yoga and get in to see an orthopedist. I'm tired of being in pain all the time. And I'm being very careful with my diet. I haven't had a Coke or a candy bar in two weeks and cut out soda completely. I'm jonesing but it's under control. Since horseback riding has become more difficult to do regularly with the logistics of it, I'm going to look into ballet and flamenco classes. Finish my medicine wheel meditation and do a guided visualization. Finish up my writing project and research writing groups to network. So far, the two I know about meet at times that don't work with my work schedule. Boo.

So that's me at the moment. I feel very focused and happy. I've been doing an affirmation process that Leslie taught as well. Yes *groan* 90's, but it works. Take it from the scientific point of view of retraining the brain and the psychological theory that you are what you think you are. If you're into New Age, it's the whole bs behind "The Secret", which isn't a bloody secret at all but someone's made a lot of money on it!!


January 12 of 12, 2009

Yay, Chad! I'm so glad that you decided to do another round of your fabulous 12 of 12! For more info on the monthly photo blog sensation, check out Chad's website. And all the best wishes to Chad in the healing of his cancer.

Today is a Monday and of course, Monday's are work days, so I start my new year with a slow beginning, photographically, that is. Otherwise, things are cooking and simmering and starting to get that savory feeling....okay! Enough cooking euphamisms.

The BIG news, of course, is the latest addition to my home. I had insomnia, so took a couple of late late night shots of me and the Princess....

Say hello to Princess Leia. No, I didn't name her, but frankly, after spending a week now with her, her name suits this little cutie to a t. Poor thing wanted to sleep and her mama was up until 5 am. She was mighty tired later, too. And yes, she does have eyes. Green, in fact.

Me, all cheerful at 2:30 am. 5 am, though, cheerfulness was old. I wanted to sleep. But I did happen to have wonderful dreams, so maybe being zonked today was worth it.

By the time I got rolling, it was 12 noon! I took a fabulous workshop this past Wednesday and sat making out my stepstone goals for the week, the basic things I'm doing to reach my main goals by April 15th. I'm not a linear person, so doing this kind of thing really is incredible for me. I can have multiple things running and not lose track of where I am in the process. Thanks, Leslie Becker! And I must rewatch the first 10 eps of season 4 of Battlestar Galactica before Friday's big premier. They better answer all the questions!!!

Leia was sacked on the bed most of the day. Here she is around 1 pm snoozing up a storm. She's very plush. I love her big wide forehead - more room to kiss her! And that brick red nose... ah! It's very wonderful to have a kitty in my home again. I think Worf is hanging around to welcome her. She's been ripping around after something or someone since she arrived!

Yoga. I hurt my back and it's been exacerbated by my horrible desk chair, so yoga seems to be helping stretch but not strain my lower back. And it's been good for my soul. But I do have to get back into cardio. I can't believe how out of shape I've been. I don't think I've done a cardio workout since Dad had the stroke in August.

My acting teacher/mentor/writing partner gave me this wonderful glass ball for Christmas and I have it on my windowsill. It's full of bubbles that reflect the light. I decided to take some close ups of ordinary things, just to see how they would turn out, even with my crappy camera. This one is cool.

This is the view through my hanging glass ball in the same window. I've taken photos before where you can see this ball, but never a close up through it. The pattern in the glass reminds me of a spider. And I like spiders, so it's a good thing!

Another person who has come into my life is a sponsor child. She lives in El Salvador and I just got my kit from Plan USA with her photo and facts about her and her family. She's 8 years old and just beautiful. I created a big welcome card for her. Inside is a photo and some info about me. Her birthday is coming up in February and I want to send her something special.

Ready for work. I LOVE my leopard coat. Definitely worth cramming in my suitcase and hauling up from Louisville.
At work. David flashes the peace sign.
Dinner was fresh grilled salmon with a little olive oil and garlic, cauliflower and plantains, which I had already scarfed down by the time I took this photo. It really was a yummy meal.
On the list of big things that I'm doing is joining my spiritual teacher's school. A four-year program in shamanic study. I knew I'd do this when I won the essay contest in April that sent me to her yearly retreat in May...but I didn't want to see how or trust that it was both the right thing to do and I could afford it. Well, it's happening and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I was completely shifted after the retreat last May. I imagine that this year will be very intense in a great way. Commitment is scary, though.

I know I already had 12 photos, but this is my niece's string painting and I love the colors. So there!

January 20th can't come soon enough!!! I don't know about you, but I just want Dumbya out of the White House NOW.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! May 2009 bring all good things, peace and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

I am very thankful for my life, my family and my friends. Not everyone gets to live the life they really desire and I am very fortunate. I am just savoring the newness of the year - goals are still there, plans are still there, but I think sometimes when we focus on goals and plans, we somehow forget to live in the very moment we are breathing and miss so much of the core of what life is all about. So, that's my resolution. To live life as fully as possible.

Sending out a new postcard mailing this coming week, annoucing my new refurbished website which should be ready the beginning of next week, I'm hoping. I'll will post when it's up.

There are a couple of EPAs coming up that I will be auditioning at (hopefully - I really wish there was an appointment system in place in NYC instead of the free-for-all!) and I'm sure all areas of auditions will heat up shortly.

All the best to you and yours!